Ms.Zainab Ansell, the founder and proprietor of Zara Tanzania Adventures, found her place among the Tanzanian women icons at the specialwelcome at Mlimani City in Dar-Es-Salaam on Saturday, March 25, 2023. She received the important and distinctiveyearlyhonor–the MalikiawaNguvu Award from the Clouds Media Groupas the winner in workdesign in the tourism industry.
Clouds Media Group said that it is apleasure and great honor to designateMs. Ansell as the victor of the MalikiawaNguvufor this year for her conscientiousexertions in generating decent and enormouswork engagement in the tourism industry.
Every year,Clouds Media Group hosts a prestigious awards event known as MalkiaWaNguvu to rejoiceextraordinary women, including hundreds of women across Tanzania who have amazinglyshined in numerous spheres of life.
Ms.Ansell was a previous employee at Air Tanzania in the 1980s before leaving to start her own tour and air tickets business. She is definitely one of the unrecognizedstars of our time. Being a lady in the tourist trade, Ansellfought tremendously hard in a male-dominated culture and has appearedsuccessful.
People from all walks of life crowdMs.Zainab’s office, looking to talk with her. However, unlike a doctor, Ms.Zainab often wears acontagious smile as an alternativeto the much-dreaded stethoscope servingone after another with great humbleness!
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